Sunday, January 25, 2009

Goin' Agro at the Ag show

Last week I got to fully immerse myself into the Ag industry at the Pocatello Ag Show. This show is a pretty big deal for my company and we've been crazy busy the last month or so getting ready for it. And of course my first completed machine not only was a huge project, but they also wanted it in the show (so I had to hurry and make it pretty).

All-in-all my machine went together really well with only a couple big hicups along the way that all got sorted out. At the show I had alot of fun spying on the other stuff being done and trying to figure out where I can go from here.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

7 Layer Ride

Last week since I've neer been too big on New Years (nothing against it just don't see how it's much of a big deal) I talked my boss into letting me go in and work on New Years day so I could take Friday off without using up vacation time. This worked out great because we were able to go back to Boise Friday morning, hit some night skiing at Bogus, then I got to make it to a LAC team ride Saturday morning before coming back home to AF.

Fortunatly the roads were good and although the conditions on Bogus sucked (super cold/windy/icy) Kayla and I had alot of fun.

The night skiing got me sick of being cold so when I was getting ready for my ride the next morning and temps were in the 20's I decided not to go borderline at all. I hit up IMT for some of those heat packets to stick in my gloves and shoes then dressed with layer after layer until I missed the start of the ride because I was still putting more on. After the ride I counted up my clothing and it was something like this for the top half:

-long sleave under shirt
-BSU jersey
-wool jersey
-Linsays Cyclery jersey
-another wool jersey
-I.C.E. jersey
-long sleave fleece lined jersey/jacket
plus a set of arm warmers in there somewhere

my bottom half was well equiped too which made for a suprisingly plesent ride despite the crazy cold temps. I finished the ride feeling much stronger than expected too (nice bonus considering the troubles I've been having getting into a good training schedule)