Saturday, January 26, 2008

Speeding up to slow down

I had been excited about this weekend all week long. Kayla and I decided to come to Boise and let Susie hang out with her grandparents and I was going to take advantage of the slightly milder Boise winters to go for a nice long bike ride with some of my old teammates to replace the 4 hour rollers ride I had planned. However that all changed when Friday afternooon I realized I was about to blow chunks all over my desk at work and had to go home sick. Kayla still convinced me to make the drive with her and even though I am feeling alot better today I still feel sick and my ride on the old stomping grounds is still out of the question. Oh well, a little rest and some time just hanging out with Susie might do me some good. Kayla is still taking advantiage of the somewhat warmer temps and is out on a long run now in her efforts to get ready for Robie.


Mama Runner Parker said...

I tag YOU!! I know you hate these things but it would be fun for V-Day...Maybe I'll even throw in something special if you do...:)

Matt Weyen said...

Hope you decide to come to town more. The weather almost has me motivated to ride again!