Sunday, March 16, 2008

I woulda, but...

After starting the week terrible with being sick and not being able to ride I thought I could at least finish it off with a nice ride. I had a great loop planned down into Arbon Valley with a bit of meandering thrown in. The weather forcast was the same as for the last several days and they all tuned out nice so I figured that wouldn't be a problem...

At about 9:00am I looked out and saw:
I wasn't too stressed, I just figured I'd wait for it to warm up a bit and ride in the afternoon. So Kayla did her Saturday run before my ride and a little while after she got home it looked a bit like this :(

After a good dose of cursing Pocatello winters I eventualy dried my tears and slinked away into the basement to ride the rollers. The only ray of sunshine was that I at least had the re-runs of the '08 Tour of California to watch as I pedaled away without moving.

Here's what it looked like outside when I finished:The cycling club here planned to start the weekly Tuesday night rides this week but I'm not sure the roads will be ready in time for that. But I do have my fingers crossed for the impromptu TT we have planned for Thursday night. I just need to get some new cables to string-up my TT bike and I should be ready to rock. Speaking of that, the Boise crowed kicked off the season this weekend with a TT that I skipped. It was a long way to go for such a short race and even if by some freak chance I did get lucky and do well in that race all that would have done is make me a marked man for the other races in the series. My racing starts in 2 weeks with the Slammer, which will have to both check my form and get me back into racing mode (not sure how my nerves will handle coming back from a year off).

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