Monday, March 10, 2008

Suffering on the bike sure beats suffering off the bike

Last weekend I got to go to Boise to pick up Kayla and Susie after their little vacation. It sure was nice to have them back after a week and a half of solitude back home.

While in Boise I decided to take another shot at getting together with some of my old chums for a good hard ride. The ride was great, humbling in many aspects but great overall. We cruised out for a nice little Emmett-Horseshoe Bend loop (about 80 miles with a couple tough spots). I hung in well for the majority of the day, but the two times that everybod realy turned the screws I got dropped. When I rolled back to the car in Boise I felt like I still had several more miles in my legs but just an inability to realy ride hard like I'll need to do very soon. In the days afterwards I browsed the blogs of some of the other rides in the group and felt better that they refered to it as a tough ride. When you think about it, if I'm gonna get my butt handed to me on a ride at least I can feel good knowing that it was done by what was for sure the strongest group riding in the state that day.

This past week has been an easy one on my training callender, that was suposed to be getting me ready to start another hard few weeks. But Friday night Susie woke up throwing-up a bunch. She toughed it out really well and was mostly better by Saturday night. Then Sunday evening whatever it was that Susie had hit both Kayla and I realy hard. We couldn't keep anything in our systems and spent 10-12 hours whimpering and taking turns running to the bathroom. I don't think I've ever been so sick and for such a short period of time, by Monday morning we were both feeling well enough to start eating again (gently though). I had been planing on losing a few pounds as the racing season progressed, but wow, I hit my target racing weight in a matter of hours on Sunday.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Yikes!!! I am soo glad I was not around you two to get this nasty lil bug!!! Hope you are feeling better!!!