Root canal part II was the day before Thanksgiving. One thing I was thankful for was that after all the numbing stuff wore off my tooth actualy felt pretty good and I was able to enjoy eating for the first time in a while.
The day after Thanksgiving one of my brothers hooked me up with a ticket to the BSU game vs. Fresno State.
Some people like close and exiting games, but personaly I'm a big fan of seeing my team blow the other guys away. So the second half of this one was very much what I had hoped for in the only game I got to go to this year. Loved it!
I drug along my bike to Boise for the weekend and so that Saturday I hooked up with the club ride put on by the team I'm ridding for in '09, Lactic Acid Cycling. It wasn't one of the official team rides so only a few of the racers were there but it was a great time meeting some new guys I'll be ridding with and even catching up with some old friends from Boise. Sadly by the time we were finishing off the ride on Hill road I was totaly spent and had to chill out and ride back to my car solo. But I think its a good thing to start my winter training nice and humbled, it will help me work harder.
Back in AF this last weekend the weather was surprisingly nice (kinda cold but nice) so I was able to get the bike out and find an awsome local road I'll surely be riding a ton next year and then on Sunday Kayla and I had a hunch we might not have too many nice days left and took Susie out to play at a park by the lake.
The next day I got up early to hit my first early morning roller session of the season and then headed back to the dentist chair to get a titanium post shoved down the roots of my molar.
And that brings us to today's Christmas cheer. Both my work party and my ward party fell on the same day. For lunch was a great catered dutch oven meal followed by a raffle for a bunch of loot given away by my company and a lot of our vendors. There were enough prizes that everybody got something and most prizes were pretty cool, like gift certificates and tool sets. Of course of every body there what do you think the college boy/city slicker/kid who's never shot a firearm at anything alive won?.....
Yep, that sure is a 4 foot tall elk plasma cut out of 10 gage steel. It weighs a ton and I don't even think it can fit into my car without posing a serious decapatation hazard (it's still sitting next to my desk).
At the church party tonight we finaly got Susie to not be too terified of Santa by giving her candy and letting her not acctualy have to look at him.